quinta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2010

quinta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2010

O que eu posso fazer?

I can... By: Leonardo

I can play soccer

I can dance

I can fish

I can fly a kite

I can use a computer
I can... By: Vinícius

I can play soccer

I can take photos

I can swin

I can use a computer

I can fish

terça-feira, 14 de setembro de 2010

I Can... Juliana

I can design dresses

I can dance

I can sing

I can paint

I can use the computer

Félix - By.: Vitória

Meu animal favorito é o gato (Felis silvestris catus),

ele é um animal doméstico, por isso vive na casa de seus donos.
Outros são abandonados nas ruas. A comida que ele come é a ração
e o leite, só que ele também gosta de resto de comida de meio-dia
por exemplo.Quando caçadores, alimentam-se de insetos,
pequenas aves e roedores.
Seu corpo preto, olhos brancos e sua risada característica,
combinados com o surrealismo das situações criadas nos desenhos,
fazem do personagem um dos mais conhecidos do mundo.


My favorite animal is the cat (Felis silvestris catus),
it is a domestic animal, so it lives at home with their owners.
Others are abandoned on the streets. The food he eats is the feed
and milk, but he also likes leftover food from
noon exemplo.Quando by hunters, they feed on insects,
small birds and rodents.
His black body, white eyes and her laugh feature,
combined with the surrealism of the situations created in the drawings,
makes the character one of the best known of the world.

segunda-feira, 13 de setembro de 2010

quinta-feira, 29 de julho de 2010

Tom and Jerry --- Leonardo Melo Andrade

Tom and Jerry is a set of animated series of short films created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, whose theme is the eternal rivalry between a domestic cat (Tom) and mouse (Jerry). The duo turned in a short from MGM called "Puss Gets the Boot," which was to theaters in February 1940. In short Tom was called Jasper and Jerry has not had a name. Only after the producers dubbed the characters of Tom and Jerry. " William Hanna and Joseph Barbera wrote and directed over 113 episodes between 1940 and 1957, when MGM Cartoon Studio (where the drawings were produced) was closed, causing the end of the original design. The last of the 114 episodes was released in 1958. The original series won the Oscar for best animated short seven times.
[Edit] Gene Deitch Era (1960-1962)

In 1960, MGM decided to produce new Tom and Jerry short, then, the producer William L. Snyder made a deal with director Gene Deitch and his studio, Rembrandt Films continuing to produce the design in Prague, Czechoslovakia.
Were in all, 13 short films produced by Rembrandt Films.

The drawings produced by William Snyder and Gene Deitch been much criticized for adopting a completely different format from the original series, abusing the surreality, mixing with motion blur extremante exaggerated movements of the characters, adding sound effects bizarre and excessive use of reverb, plus several enfatizações graphic.

How were produced on call the Iron Curtain, was not included in the credits at the end of the drawings the words "Made in Hollywood, USA", but "MGM Cartoon" in an attempt to hide the location of production.

Tom and Jerry é um conjunto de séries animadas de curta-metragens criada por William Hanna e Joseph Barbera para a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, cujo o tema é a eterna rivalidade entre um gato doméstico (Tom) e um rato (Jerry).A dupla começou em um curta da MGM chamado "Puss Gets the Boot", que foi para os cinemas em fevereiro de 1940. Neste curta Tom se chamava Jasper e Jerry ainda não tinha um nome. Somente depois os produtores batizaram os personagens de "Tom e Jerry". William Hanna e Joseph Barbera escreveram e dirigiram mais 113 episódios entre 1940 e 1957, quando a MGM Cartoon Studio (local onde os desenhos eram produzidos) foi fechada, causando o fim do desenho original. O último dos 114 episódios foi lançado em 1958. A série original ganhou o Oscar de melhor curta de animação sete vezes.
[editar] A Era Gene Deitch (1960-1962)

Em 1960, a MGM decidiu produzir novos curtas de Tom & Jerry, então, o produtor William L. Snyder fez um acordo com o diretor Gene Deitch e seu estúdio, a Rembrandt Films para continuar a produzir o desenho em Praga, na Checoslováquia. Foram ao todo, produzidos 13 curtas pela Rembrandt Films.

Os desenhos produzidos por William Snyder e Gene Deitch foram muito criticados por adotar um formato totalmente diferente da série original, abusando da surrealidade, misturando motion blur com movimentos dos personagens extremante exagerados, adição efeitos sonoros bizarros e utilização excessiva de reverberação, além de diversas enfatizações gráficas.

Como eram produzidos na chamada Cortina de Ferro, não constava nos créditos no fim dos desenhos a frase "Made in Hollywood, USA", mas sim "A MGM Cartoon", numa tentativa de esconder o local da produção.

Activity in English Animal - By Vinícius

Hello, here I talk about Scooby Doo.

Scooby Doo is a very American design viewed by children around the world, Scooby it's very funny because he is afraid of all the creatures that he
sees.Mas well are not really creatures are costumed marfioso preparing a coup to take money from someone . And your best friend is Salsicha.Juntos dupa the two form a very funny and very hungry baby.

Well that was my version of Scooby Doo design.

terça-feira, 27 de julho de 2010

Garfield by Sheylla

Garfield is a cat very funny, lazy glutton and he is orange, fat.He is quite famous already made two movies, you can find the Garfield comic strip, drawings and films, in them you can see that Garfield loves his owner and that he is a friend of dog. Garfield was created by Jim Davis.

Animal Report/Juliana


A puppy cute, beautiful and outgoing may be our beloved Snoopy! He is one of my favorite designs, although the former is very good and funny too.
As everyone knows, its popular name is Snoopy and its scientific name is dog.
He lives on top of his doghouse and his best friend is Woodstock.
He is small, big nose, big ears, is black and white.
Snoopy has his own comic!

He always eat big plates of food that its owner takes